Conservation & Access

The VSFGA is actively engaged in volunteer and consultative efforts in support of salmon conservation and continued access for the recreational fishery in Vancouver, British Columbia. Below are some of the key areas of focus for the association.

DNA Sampling - Avid Angler Program

  • Collecting DNA samples from Chinook & Coho throughout Area 28 & 29

  • Submission to Department of Fisheries & Oceans (DFO) Scientists for analysis

  • Annual reviews with DFO Scientists to discuss area results and trends

  • Provides critical data necessary to support science based retention & conservation opportunities for recreational fishers

Vancouver Port Authority & Capilano Fishery

  • Annual meetings with Vancouver Port Authority to support continued recreational fishery access to the Capilano river mouth area

  • Continued interaction with the Port Authority to address safety concerns between commercial & recreational vessel traffic

  • Highlighting the importance of the Capilano mouth public fishery to recreational sport fishers

  • Ensuring our membership continues to operate in a safe manner following the expectations of the Port Authority & commuicating this to the recreational community

capilano net pen project

  • Initiative launched to determine survivability rates between smolts released in-river verses those released from an ocean based DFO net pen

  • 50% of hatchery smolts released in Capilano & 50% are maintained in, & ultimately released from, the ocean based net pen

  • VSFGA members volunteer time with DFO & Capilano Hatchery staff to feed net pen smolts twice per day while collecting water temperature & salinity data

  • Using coded wire tags from returning mature Chinook & Coho, survival rates are calculated

  • Annual results & trends are reviewed with VSFGA membership

Howe Sound Glass Sponge Reefs

  • Representing the Vancouver recreational sport fishery during glass sponge reef discussions

  • Promoting collaborative decisions that recognize the importance of public fishery opportunities within Howe Sound

  • Supporting & encouraging coexistence between sponge reef protection and a thriving recreational fishery

Reference Links to Sport Fishing Enhancement Organizations in BC

Public Fishery Alliance

Pacific Salmon Foundation

Sport Fishing Institute of BC

Sport Fishing Advisory Board